
This is the full archive of news articles and reports on GWP activities around the world.

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/ Global

GWP on World Water Day

The GWP network celebrated World Water Day 2015 with a string of events throughout the world, from Central America to China. This a summary of some of the highlights, with links to reports.

/ Global

Water Insecurity a Drag on Global Growth

Water insecurity costs the global economy some US$ 500 billion annually, according to Global Water Partnership (GWP). That figure does not take into account environmental impacts so the total drag on the world economy could be 1% or more of global Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

/ Global

Lead-up to COP 21: Francophone Youth Engage in Water and Climate Change

Today, in celebration of the International Francophonie Day, the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, Secretary-General of the Organisation international de la Francophonie (OIF), encourages francophone youth to get engaged and learn about a series of youth consultations on water and climate change that OIF has launched in preparation for the 21st Session of the Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP21).

/ Global, South Asia

GWP Getting Ready for World Water Day

This year’s World Water Day theme is “Water and Sustainable Development”. Preparatory work for celebrating the day is underway in several countries, with the main UN celebration taking place in New Delhi, India, on 20 March. Building up to the event, GWP’s #watergoal campaign has been stepped up.

/ Central America, Global

Central American Municipal Leaders Learn about Risk Management

GWP Central America organized a workshop for 25 municipal leaders and technical personnel of civil society that work on water issues. The event, which focused on risk management, took place in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, on February 23-27.