
This is the full archive of news articles and reports on GWP activities around the world.

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/ Central Asia and Caucasus, Global

New Technologies for Wastewater Treatment in Armenia

GWP Armenia organised a workshop to identify alternative technologies for urban wastewater treatment in Armenia. The workshop, held in Aghveran on 16-17 October 2014, also looked at the legal, institutional and financial obstacles.

/ Central America, Global

Water on Legislative Agenda in Central America

GWP Central America, with the support of the Legislative Assembly of El Salvador, organised the VIII Legislators Conference on Water Resources, which took place on October 28, 2014, in San Salvador.

/ Central Asia and Caucasus, Global

Water Management in Mongolia Needs Improving

Mongolia was recently established as a GWP Country Water Partnership (CWP). Professor Davaa Basandorj is the Executive Director of the new CWP. He says that the biggest water problem in Mongolia is water shortage, and that the water management in the country has to be improved.

/ China, Global

Chinese Universities Engage With IWRM ToolBox

As part of GWP’s programme to introduce its knowledge database, the IWRM Toolbox, into relevant university curricula, two workshops were held in China in September.