
This is the full archive of news articles and reports on GWP activities around the world.

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/ South America

Basin Management Guidelines for Nicaragua

GWP Central America signed an agreement with the National Water Authority of Nicaragua (Autoridad Nacional del Agua - ANA) to help prepare guidelines for basin management plans. The agreement, signed October 14, 2011, is a contribution to the implementation of the Water Law approved in 2007.

/ Southeast Asia

Conflict Resolution in Vietnam

Conflicts over water resources exist in Vietnam as in many parts of the world where a large population have to share scarce water resources. To tackle these issues, GWP Vietnam organized a workshop on 29th November 2011, in Hanoi, to discuss solutions through and integrated approach to Food-Water-Energy Security.

/ Central and Eastern Europe

Georgia to Conduct Dialogues on IWRM

GWP Georgia organized a meeting where the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) agreed to carry out a National Policy Dialogue on Integrated Water Resources Management whose main objective is to facilitate achievement of the Millennium Development Goals on water-related issues.

/ South Asia

Urban Flood Framework for Dhaka

The Center for Environmental and Geographic Information Services (CEGIS), supported by GWP Bangladesh, has conducted a study on managing flood risks for Dhaka in the face of climate change. The study resulted in a concept note on Climate Resilient Urban Flood Risk Management Framework for Dhaka.

GWP Zeros in on Gender

As part of its continuing implementation of the 2009-2013 Strategy, GWP is developing strategies on gender and youth. The strategies will be elaborated in a participatory way, involving GWP regions and Partner organizations.

/ Caribbean

Caribbean Ministers Endorse Innovative Ways of Managing Water

Caribbean Ministers with responsibility for water, along with regional water managers and other experts, met to discuss “Water Management Financing in the Caribbean” at the GWP Caribbean and the Caribbean Water and Wastewater Association’s (CWWA) 7th Annual High Level Session (HLS) on October 6-7, 2011, in Guadeloupe. One of the major issues at the Ministerial Forum was the need for regional governments to decide whether water utilities are to be run as a social service or a business.