
This is the full archive of news articles and reports on GWP activities around the world.

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/ Eastern Africa

Road Map for Eastern Africa on Water and Climate

GWP Country Water Partnerships met November 6 to start work on a road map for an initiative between the GWP Water, Climate and Development Programme for Africa (WACDEP), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and the Nile Basin Initiative. Participants agreed that WACDEP will be implemented as a joint programme with the UNEP climate change adaptation project on the Nile Basin. GWP Eastern Africa is supporting UNEP to build stakeholder capacities.

/ South Asia

Capacity Building of Women in India

GWP India partner Jheel Sanrakshan Samiti (JSS), together with GWP India, convened Women Self Help Groups from 21 communities on 10 October 2011 to address the role of women in the management of water. The marginalized role of women is related to social, educational and cultural traditions, the participants concluded, noting that the State Water Policy stresses the importance of the participation and involvement of women in water management.

/ China

Protecting the water resources of the Yellow River Basin

The protection of the water resources of the Yellow River Basin, emergency response to environmental pollution and case studies of emergency response to water pollution in other countries were the main topics at a workshop on Water Resources Protection and Emergency Response Mechanisms to Water Pollution of the Yellow River.

Linking Climate Information Providers with Users

Further steps towards implementing a Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) were taken on 26-28 September 2011 in Rome at a meeting co-organised by FAO and WMO. The aim of the meeting was to develop a strategy for the agriculture and food security and water sectors of the User Interface Platform which is intended to link climate service providers and users with a view to “building the capacity of users to make better use of climate services, collecting users’ requirements, assisting in the monitoring and evaluation of the Framework and promoting a global understanding of the Framework”.

/ South Asia

Preparing for Rio+20 in Asia

GWP Pakistan collaborated on a National Workshop on Pakistan’s Preparations for the UN Conference on Sustainable Development in Islamabad on 12-13 September 2011. GWP Pakistan held a side event to promote IWRM and water saving/recycling and environmental conservation measures at ground level. The workshop was organized by the Sustainable Development Policy Institute, UN One and the Rio+20 Secretariat.

/ West Africa

Towards Country Water Partnerships in Gambia and Sierra Leone

At the request of the countries, a mission from GWP West Africa visited Gambia and Sierra Leone 19-28 September 2011, to follow up on the will expressed in 2009, during the development process of the IWRM roadmap, to set up GWP Country Water Partnerships. Exchanges on the importance of transboundary waters and their management mechanisms such as the UN Convention on International Water Courses were also discussed.

/ Eastern Africa

Asia-Africa Inter-regional Sharing

GWP knowledge and expertise was shared with an IUCN-Asia delegation that visited the Nile Basin Initiative Secretariat in Entebbe, Uganda, on 12 September 2011. GWP Eastern Africa presented its work on IWRM processes.

/ Southeast Asia

Evaluating 10 years of IWRM in Southeast Asia

GWP Southeast Asia recently organized country workshops to conduct a ten year (2000-2010) evaluation of IWRM implementation in Myanmar, Cambodia, Indonesia and Vietnam. The evaluations have provided platforms for Southeast Asian countries and stakeholders to exchange knowledge and experiences of the IWRM process and to promote international cooperation for better water resources management. A report with all the Southeast Asian countries will be available shortly at

/ Central Africa

GWP planning tool supports Kribi port

GWP Central Africa supported the Cameroonian Ministry of Economy and Planning to carry out a one-year survey of the proposed site of a deep-water port at Kribi. GWP Central Africa developed a forward-looking planning and decision-support tool to help ensure more efficient land use, to preserve the integrity of the port facilities, and to aid natural resources management and the preservation of vital ecosystems. This work shows how IWRM principles can be put into practice at the local level, as part of a major infrastructure project.