
This is the full archive of news articles and reports on GWP activities around the world.

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/ Eastern Africa

Ethiopia, Kenya and Burundi progress on integrated approach

GWP Ethiopia launched pilot projects in the Berki and Messena watersheds to promote IWRM, establish a framework for broader stakeholder participation, and enhance grassrootslevel water management practices.

/ Eastern Africa

Surveys show mixed progress

GWP Eastern Africa (GWP-EA), in collaboration with AMCOW and with funding from the AfDB, ran a survey of 12 countries to assess the state of IWRM planning and implementation.

/ Central Africa

CICOS pursues integrated approach

GWP-CAf facilitated meetings with the Secretariat of the International Commission for the Congo–Oubangui–Sangha Basin (CICOS).

/ Central Africa

New regional and country water partnerships

In line with GWP’s strategy to create and strengthen Regional Water Partnerships (RWPs), a multi-year process came to fruition on 29th November 2008, when a new RWP was set up: GWP Central Africa (GWP-CAf). It is based in Yaounde, Cameroon, and has over 100 partners.

/ Central and Eastern Europe

Green Cross Conference

GWP CEE Present at 4th International Dialogue on World Water Crisis

Central Africa report

The Technical Advisory committee, the GWP-Cmr and the GWP-CAfTAC secretariats had a meeting on the 27th and 28th of September in Limbe (Cameroon). The main objective was to plan and prepare the launching of GWP-Central Africa (GWP-CAf). The event shall take place on the 29th of November 2008. Inputs were also made on the draft of the 2009-2013 regional strategy.

Le Comité technique Consultatif du GWP pour l’Afrique centrale s’est réuni les 27 et 28 septembre à Limbe (Cameroun) dans le but de préparer et organiser le lancement du Partenariat régional de l’eau pour l’Afrique Centrale (GWP-CAf). Il a été décidé que cet évènement se ferait le 29 novembre 2008. Cette réunion a également été l’occasion pour les participants de procéder à la relecture pour actualisation de certains documents de travail. A titre d’exemple le draft de la stratégie régionale 2009-2013 a été étoffé.