
This is the full archive of news articles and reports on GWP activities around the world.

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/ Central and Eastern Europe

Press release: CEE 10 year celebration

BUDAPEST, 6 October - Global Water Partnership Central and Eastern Europe (GWP CEE) celebrates its 10th anniversary today, presenting results of major achievements over the past decade.

/ Central and Eastern Europe

GWP CEE Welcomes Progress in Danube’s Water Quality

The International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) issued a news release in September to announce the scientific results of the Joint Danube Survey 2 (JDS2) –“possibly the world’s biggest river research expedition ever.” The survey indicates that “the Danube and its tributaries are becoming cleaner,” said the release.

What Are We Doing in Istanbul?

With that question, GWP Patron HRH Prince Willem-Alexander challenged GWP to propose activities that will give him and GWP an active role in the 5th World Water Forum in Istanbul in March 2009. During a two-day visit to Stockholm World Water Week, sandwiched between the Beijing Olympics, the Prince met with GWP representatives on August 19.

GWP World Water Week Participation

In an opening day address at World Water Week in Stockholm, GWP Chair Letitia A Obeng urged decision makers to recognize that using an integrated approach to water management can help solve a wide range of water issues related to current environmental, social and economic challenges.