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/ Global

John Matthews of AGWA: Climate Resilience is an Active Leadership

"We're interested in the Water ChangeMaker Awards because we understand that climate resilience is an active leadership," says John Matthews, Executive Director of Alliance for Global Water Adaptation (AGWA) on the decision to partner with GWP for the Awards: “Climate resilience is something that requires bold thinking and bold actions, and we need the Water ChangeMaker Awards as a signal for aspirations, for hopes, for what positive change can really look like.”
/ Southern Africa

SADC Begins Consultations for the RSAP V

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) regional water sector programme is driven through the five-year Regional Strategic Action Plans (RSAPs) for the sector, and is currently implementing the 4th version of (RSAP IV). For the water sector, the RSAPs serve both as a coordinating philosophy and a vehicle to deliver on the aspirations of SADC as articulated in the Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP), Regional Infrastructure Master Plan (RIDMP) and other regional and sectoral policies and strategies.
/ Central Africa

GWP Cameroon changes status from an Association to a Non-Governmental Organization

After almost five years since the initiation of the administrative process to change its legal status, Country Water Partnership, Cameroon (GWP-Cmr) is now an NGO following a Ministerial Decree n° 00000005 of April 1st 2020. This change in status brings along a number of advantages the possibility to seek direct funding from government ministries and related organizations in order to advance its mission of ensuring water security in Cameroon. In an interview with the Chair of GWP-Cmr, Mr. Mamoudou Ousman talks about GWP- Cmr, what prompted the need for a legal status change, benefits and challenges, and shares lessons learnt with other Country Water Partnerships (CWPs) in the GWP-CAF network looking to change their legal status.
/ Global

Youth About COVID-19: “I Feel Honoured to Be a Water Ambassador”

GWP and the World Youth Parliament for Water (WYPW) collaborate on a storytelling initiative to make the voices of youth heard on water. Reflecting on the current challenging times, with the world battling a health crisis, we asked youth how the COVID-19 outbreak has changed their daily routines in different parts of the world. This is the second instalment in the series.
/ Global

Shehnaaz Moosa of CDKN: Bringing Best Practice to the Front

We work very closely as knowledge brokers with policy and decision-makers to walk the journey with them of implementing climate action, says CDKN Director Dr Shehnaaz Moosa: “When the Water ChangeMaker Awards came up, it seemed like an automatic fit for CDKN to be a knowledge partner”.
/ Global

Gabriel Eckstein of IWRA: "Connection Between Water and Climate Undeniable"

The connection between water and climate is undeniable, says Gabriel Eckstein, President of the International Water Resources Association (IWRA): "Without one, we cannot have the other. This is why we joined as a Partner with the Water ChangeMaker Awards - to bring closer the knowledge and expertise and voices of members and partners to the international water and development communities that are making decisions, moving to action and inspiring others."