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/ Central America, Global

“We Need to Work Together to Implement the Strategy”

With the start of a new year, a new decade, and with a new GWP Strategy, GWP Central America Executive Secretary Fabiola Tábora says that it is important to have all GWP Partners and allies working together. In a video interview she talks about the 3 thematic areas of the Strategy and highlights some of the things that GWP Central America will be working on in each of these areas.
/ Global

GWP 2020-2025 Strategy Now Operational

Since being adopted by the GWP network last year, the new GWP Strategy 2020-2025 – Mobilising for a Water Secure World – was launched at a series of events around the world throughout the second half of 2019. The strategy calls for urgent action on, and agile responses to, the world water crises.
/ Central and Eastern Europe

Looking back at 2019

The article highlights the main achievements of Global Water Partnership Central and Eastern Europe working for a water secure region in 2019.
/ Global

Development and Communications: Empowerment through Stories

Communications is key for development, something recognised by both GWP and Sida, Sweden’s International Development Cooperation Agency, and one of GWP’s founding Partners. On 22-23 November, the Communication teams of GWP and Sida joined forces with Malmö University’s Master's in Communication for Development in convening a 2-day seminar for their students as part of the course on "Media, globalization and development."
/ Global

GWP launches Water Resilience Frontiers at COP25

In one of its key activities at COP25, GWP announced a new collaboration with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and other partners, to create plausible water solutions for a climate-resilient future in 2030 and beyond. The initiative is called "Water Resilience Frontiers: Pathways for transformational Climate Resilient Water Security in 2030 and Beyond".