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/ Global

Lessons Learned on Enhancing Water Management to Meet the SDGs

The SDG 6 IWRM Support Programme, coordinated by GWP in collaboration with the UN Environment-DHI Centre and UNDP Cap-Net, has facilitated a coordinated approach to monitoring and enhancing Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6.5, implementing Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). In 2019 four pilot countries were supported to create an IWRM Action Plan. Some lessons on how the experience gained can be put to practical use in other countries have now been captured in a summary report.
/ Caribbean, Global

The Power of Communication

For our third and final youth voice on water for 2019 we go to the warm Caribbean island of Trinidad and Tobago to meet Khadija Stewart, who shares her water journey and how social media and communication has guided her to where she is today: “A simple Facebook post changed my life”, she says. The story is part of a collaboration between World Youth Parliament for Water (WYPW) and GWP to make sure the voices of youth are heard.
/ Global

GWP Approved to Support Countries with GCF Readiness

During the UNFCCC COP25 climate change conference in Madrid, GWP received news that it had passed the “Financial Management Capacity Assessment” (FMCA) of the Green Climate Fund (GCF). This approval enables GWP to be a delivery partner of countries to access the GCF Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme (the Readiness Programme).
/ Global

Climate Change Hard on Transboundary Water Basins – New MOOC to Tackle Knowledge Gap

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC AR5), the effects of climate change will reduce renewable surface water and groundwater resources in most dry subtropical regions. These changes may intensify competition for water among all sectors, strain already water-scarce environments, and negatively impact water quality and quantity globally. Transboundary water basins are particularly vulnerable to climate change impacts, says Sonja Koeppel, Secretary of the UNECE Water Convention, as she highlights the up-coming Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on freshwater security that GWP is developing together with partners.
/ Mediterranean

Towards a WEM Framework Programme within the UfM Water Agenda

The Water-Employment-Migration (WEM) Lab II (19-20 November 2019, Istanbul), brought together representatives of key institutions (including on migration and labour), governments and stakeholders including the private sector civil society and academia, to identify related challenges, possible solutions and synergies among a range of partners. The focus was on addressing key lines towards building the WEM Framework Programme of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) Water Agenda, building on contributions by on-going and future actions and projects.
/ Global

Connecting Climate and Development through Water

Madrid, Spain – At a high-level event on December 7 here at the global climate conference, Global Water Partnership (GWP) will launch a report identifying major opportunities for water management to accelerate climate action and sustainable development.