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/ Global

National Consultations Collecting Data on IWRM

GWP’s ongoing country consultations to evaluate the degree of implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is progressing as planned, with July being a busy month. In Central America alone, consultations were held in El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, and Panama (shown in the above photo).
/ Central Asia and Caucasus

2nd Public Consultation on Sevan Basin Management Plan

A second Public Consultation on the Sevan Basin Management Plan was held in Armenia from June 11 to 17 July, 2020. The consultation was organised on the programme of measures for Sevan and Hrazdan river basins districts. This is part of the River Basin Management Plans (RBMP) developed for Sevan and Hrazdan river basins within EUWI+.
/ Mediterranean

Strengthening the role of Women in Water Diplomacy in the MENA region

What is so special about water diplomacy? And where does the discussion on women and gender fit in? Placing women, water and diplomacy in the same sentence, often enough causes reactions that include head-scratching and eyebrow-raising; the link among them is not easily -nor well- understood.
/ Southern Africa

GWP Kicks Off GCF Readiness Workshops

GWP kicked off its first GCF Readiness workshop for 2020 – one of 30 being planned for this year – on July 28-29, in Uganda. The workshop, held at the request of the Government of Uganda’s Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE), trained participants on how to access support from the Green Climate Fund’s (GCF) Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme.
/ Southern Africa

GWP Kicks Off GCF Readiness Workshops

GWP kicked off its first GCF Readiness workshop for 2020 – one of 30 being planned for this year – on July 28-29, in Uganda. The workshop, held at the request of the Government of Uganda’s Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE), trained participants on how to access support from the Green Climate Fund’s (GCF) Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme.
/ Global

Who are the Water ChangeMakers Across the Globe?

The Water ChangeMaker Awards closed its submissions on 14 June – with 350+ individuals and groups from over 80 countries having submitted their personal experiences on how they have influenced water decisions that build climate resilience. Since that time, all submitted projects have undergone eligibility and verification screening.