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/ Southeast Asia

GWP-SEA support the Safe Water Gardens to increase access to sanitation in Bintan Island – Indonesia

In December 2022, Global Water Partnership Southeast Asia utilized its e-survey platform for water and sanitation hygiene to assist Safe Water Gardens in increasing access to safe and proper sanitation at Busung Village, Bintan Regency. GWP-SEA’s regional coordinator, Fany Wedahuditama lead the training for the enumerators and supervisors on how to use the e-survey on their android phone.
/ West Africa

Study trip to Burkina Faso, courtesy visits

The Nigerien delegation was received on December 22, 2022 by the Minister of Environment, Water and Sanitation, Dr. Augustin KABORE. The Secretary General of the Ministry, Dr. KOUANDA had received the delegation on December 19. Discussions focused on IWRM and the management of the climate change issue, among others.
/ West Africa

Framework for the implementation of the IWRM approach in Niger

Niger is a Sahelian country, which faces several major challenges. These mutually reinforce each other to aggravate the already precarious socio-economic situation of the country. Thus, we note the persistence of the effects of climate change, the challenges related to the problems of regional insecurity in the Sahel, leading in particular to massive displacements of populations and disturbances in the implementation of sectoral policies.