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/ West Africa

GWP-WA Extraordinary meeting of the SC held

The extraordinary meeting of the members of the Steering Committee (SC) of Global Water Partnership West Africa (GWP-WA) held on Thursday, February 9, 2023.
/ West Africa

TFTC 2, CWP Burkina trains on associative life

46 participants, including 38 women from 8 associations, including Kolweogo, took part in training session on associative life, management and the proper keeping of accounting documents in Komki Ipala, in the greater Ouagadougou area.
/ West Africa

Mekrou Project enables 25 women to make market gardening in Belandè, Niger

As part of the implementation of the pilot initiatives of the Water Development and Management Plan (SAGE) of the Niger portion of Mékrou, the Mekrou phase 2 Niger project financed by the European Union has rehabilitated the Belandè multi-village mini drinking water supply system with an extension of the standpipes.
/ West Africa

Mono Basin Authority holds 5th Ministerial session in Benin

The fifth Ordinary Session of the Council of Ministers of the Mono Basin Authority (MBA) was held in Cotonou on 19 January 2023, under the chairmanship of Mr. Samou SEIDOU ADAMBI, Minister of Water and Mines of the Republic of Benin, Chairman of the MBA Council of Ministers.
/ West Africa

Online training GWP-WA with CAPNET

In the framework of the implementation of the activities of the Volta Flood and Drought Management (VFDM) project funded by the Adaptation Fund
/ Eastern Africa

NDA/Somalia GCF Program Develops Operational Manual and Readiness Needs Assessment Report for the Country's GCF Readiness

The Federal Government of Somalia has made a concerted effort to tackle climate change challenge through a number of policies, strategies and institutional response mechanisms including the establishment of the National Designated Authority (the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change) to officially liaison and communicate with the Green Climate Fund.
/ West Africa

GWP-WA Chair honored at Africa 21 Forum in Casablanca, Morocco

Africa 21 is an African Forum covering three strands of major importance for the continent. Linked and complementary, they deal with Water Security, Energy Sovereignty and Food Independence in the era of climate change, desertification and issues related to growth in the era of the 21st century. For this first edition, the focus is on technological innovations in each of these sectors!